Saturday, October 29, 2005


i haven't written in over 2 months. but at least i haven't been stagnating.

i've jumped two huge hurdles - one is letting bygones be bygones with my future sister-in-law. (efe's brother's wife) we had a falling out back in june, and both of us were too stubborn to give in or forgive. but yesterday evening me, efe, his two brothers and their two wives had a lovely dinner at joy's on broadway. it really is true what they say -- forgiveness isn't about the other person -- it really does benefit you. so that is a huge icky weight off my shoulders -- not having to stress about the situation and how much i can't stand her. realizing that while i likely won't trust this particular sister-in-law as much i'd like, at least i can interact with her civilly. that's huge.

second hurdle (and infinitely more important, hehe) is that i THINK i may have have found the venue for our wedding. my mom and i went to check out Pops for Champagne on sheffield, just around the corner from my old apartment at diversey and sheffield. i had seen an advert of theirs on some wedding site, and my mom recently told me that a friend or hers attended a wedding there and said it was a nice place. so we checked it out and i LOVED it. it's casual, yet elegant, and has a good sized garden that we would have access to in addition to the entire bar. i know, it sounds kinda weird to say you're going to be married at a bar, but it's a champagne bar that showcases live jazz ensembles nearly every night of the week - so it's classy, not trashy. i really liked the wedding coordinator person too. she was super nice and informative and it turns out that she is originally from crown point, indiana, which is like 5 minutes from my home town of dyer. so we laughed that we both got the hell out of lake county, indiana as soon as we could. the next step is to have efe see the place, and once he signs off on it and we put in our deposit, the reception place will be set. so that's huge.

other minor progress is that i actually purchased a halloween costume this year. i always end up waiting till the last minute and i despair and just say forget it. today efe and i are going out with his two friends and their girlfriends, so i got a relatively cute costume - jailbird - apropos considering the case i'm working on at work. efe will be the karate kid. i think we're pretty adorable.


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