Friday, July 01, 2005


I used to think that only having your heart broken by icky men can really jade you. Now that I have a wonderful fiance, I thought those days of table-pounding despair, yelling, "Damn you, damn you to hell!" were over. Oh boy was I wrong. Turns out, I got burned, bad. By a girl. By the girl who was subletting my old apartment on Diversey. The cheeky harlot
1.) returned my keys sans a back door key. she said she lost it but that she had made an extra set for her boyfriend, so she'd give me her boyfriend's set. did she? noooo. she left the keys on the back porch under the citronella candle as we had previously agreed, but did she leave the damn back door key? noooo!
2.) i found out from maite, my former spanish roommate who is wonderful, that miss gita (the aformentioned cheeky harlot) NEVER cleaned anything in the apartment during her 2 month sublet, and didn't clean anythign when she left.
3.) she is now living in new york or traveling the world or some such bologna, and i have no way to really make her know my level of annoyance the way i would like

i have no idea whether she has access to email, but since i have a penchant for writing nasty emails, i emailed her:

"i just spoke w/ Maite and she is very angry with you. she said that you left the apartment a mess when you left and that the whole time that you were in the apartment you did not clean anything. i don't know who you think you are or where you learned your manners, but it's common courtesy to clean an apartment and make sure that it is clean when you leave it. i have no recourse other than to bitch at you over email-- i wish i had been jaded enough to demand a security deposit from you. now i know. add your apparent refusal to clean anything to the fact that you were a total flake about the keys and practically demanded that i bring MY futon to YOU is really unforgivable. may you enjoy your travels and learn some manners and responsibility along the way. "

p.s. this girl got her mba from university of chicago!! for shame!


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