Tuesday, July 22, 2008


My friend Matt, who goes by a goofy pseudonym on Facebook, got me hooked on Scrabulous. In case you didn't know, Scrabulous is the online word game that is virtually identical to Scrabble. (Hence Scrabble's beef with the folks who got Scrabulous going.) Anywho, I handily trounced Matt in Scrabulous, as would be expected per my above average language skills (cue my evil villain cackle), mostly due to my ability to pull bingos out of my rear. (Bingos are when you use all seven of your tiles to create a word. You get mad points for that.) I was also playing a game with Efe and was kicking ass until literally the very end. I had a C and a J left, and he had four Is. He beat me by one point. One stinking point. He was so proud, but I told him that I deserved to win. It was like he was Germany and I was Turkey in the Euro Cup. Turkey totally deserved to win, played a better game, but Germany won by some fluke. That's how I felt about my Scrabulous game with Efe. So how do I feel? Deflated by my loss to Efe, but still riding the victory high from my game with Matt. I'd say I'm Scrabulicious, wouldn't you?

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm baaacck

Nearly two years have passed since my last post. I go through cycles. Sometimes I have a sense of urgency about putting my thoughts down on paper, engaging with the world around me. Other times, I circle the wagons, so to speak, and am very introspective and closed off from most of the world. I think I might be emerging from one of those latter periods. Not easy to sum up two years. But the long and short of it is that I finished school, got married, got my real estate license, took the LSATs, and applied to law school. I start Chicago-Kent College of Law in less than a month. I will likely be needing to write in this blog more and more as an outlet as I deal with the newness and challenges of being a law student. Stay tuned.