Thursday, April 28, 2005

switching gears...

So I haven't even posted to this blog in over 2 months. Oops. It's probably because I've been crazy busy with school and work and moving in with Efe, I haven't even been thinking about our wedding.

Ok that's a lie.

I've been thinking about it, sure. But nothing concrete enough to commit to paper, or er, electronic media.

Most recent development is that my older sister, Anna, has generously offered the use of her yet-t0-be-built home in southern Lake County, IN (Lowell, to be precise) for our wedding. Her house is supposed to turn out pretty fabulously. I've only seen the blueprints, but it looks good.
I like the idea so far. It'll be a little bit of a trek for Chicago people, but I think it's more our style than to have our wedding in a generic wedding hall or at a hotel.

In other more immediate news, Efe and I moved into our new apartment and we LOVE it. (Check out for the envy-inducing views that we enjoy everyday from our 15th floor vantage point.) Efe and I really enjoy living together, and aside from some crabass on our floor complaining about a slamming door (still not sure that it was OUR door that was slamming) we have settled in quite nicely. This hunchbacked lady--no joke--YELLED at me when I let the door slam behind me when I was taking out the garbage: "Oh so THAT'S the DOOR that EVERYONE is COMPLAINING about!" Seriously, it was like a Seinfeld episode. Efe and I spent the next 3 days closing our door so carefully so we didn't piss anybody off during our first week in the building. You'll be happy to know though, that maintenance came and fixed the closing mechanism thingy, so the door now closes quite softly.

Still trying to catch my groove with this blog thing. Maybe I'll expand it to just random ramblings instead of strictly adhering to the Wedding theme as I've obviously done in this post.

Ok, I'm on my way to Borders to pick up The History of Love, which was suggested by Lola (aka Jen Petersen.) Thanks darlin! Have been in serious need of a juicy recreational read.